Mentee to Mentor

Mentee to Mentor

The resources given to mentors in a mentee-mentor relationship are 20 times that which is given to the mentee.

Mentee to mentor is a community where mentees are given the attention they seek and they need. they get experiences from mentors on how to maximally utilize these mentorship relationships.

  • We bring mentors closer to our members.
  • We listen to you and recommend the best mentor for you at a lower cost.
  • We teach you how to get mentorship for “free”

Our Podcast also brings mentors in different fields to give valuable insights on relevant topics

Meet our mentors

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    Mentee to Mentor
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  • Date

    26 March, 2021

More Case studies

We help our clients renew their business

Thought leadership


Private and Group

Bespoke Mentorship

Expert Consulting

Top-notch consultation




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